( ! ) Notice: Trying to get property 'edition' of non-object in /var/www/clients/client97/web103/web/cache/volt/ on line 41
Call Stack
10.0001402072{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0003412632BS->run( ).../index.php:6
30.0020444048handle( ).../bootstrap.php:36
40.04161164632render( $controllerName = 'page', $actionName = 'photographer' ).../bootstrap.php:36
50.04171190376_engineRender( $engines = ['.volt' => class Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt { protected $_dependencyInjector = class BS { ... }; protected $_eventsManager = NULL; protected $_view = class Phalcon\Mvc\View { ... }; protected $_options = [...]; protected $_compiler = class Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt\Compiler { ... }; protected $_macros = NULL; public $config = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }], $viewPath = 'page/photographer', $silence = TRUE, $mustClean = TRUE, $cache = NULL ).../bootstrap.php:36
60.04181191616render( $templatePath = '/var/www/clients/client97/web103/web/app/views/frontend/page/photographer.volt', $params = ['currentEdition' => FALSE, 'page' => class PageLanguage { public $page = class Page { ... }; public $language = '3'; public $slug = 'photographers/{editionslug}/{slug}'; public $title = 'Photographer'; public $highlight = ''; public $text = ''; public $seo_title = ''; public $seo_description = ''; public $created = NULL; public $updated = NULL; protected $_dependencyInjector = class BS { ... }; protected $_modelsManager = class Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager { ... }; protected $_modelsMetaData = NULL; protected $_errorMessages = NULL; protected $_operationMade = 0; protected $_dirtyState = 0; protected $_transaction = NULL; protected $_uniqueKey = NULL; protected $_uniqueParams = NULL; protected $_uniqueTypes = NULL; protected $_skipped = NULL; protected $_related = [...]; protected $_snapshot = NULL; protected $_oldSnapshot = [...] }, 'photographer' => class Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row { public $photographer = class Photographer { ... }; public $photographerLanguage = class PhotographerLanguage { ... }; public $editionLanguage = class EditionLanguage { ... }; public $spaceLanguage = class SpaceLanguage { ... } }, 'menu' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/en/photographers/2018/manuel-vilarino'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }, 'menufooter1' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/en/photographers/2018/manuel-vilarino'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }, 'menufooter2' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/en/photographers/2018/manuel-vilarino'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }], $mustClean = TRUE ).../bootstrap.php:36
70.04271208616Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt->render( ).../bootstrap.php:36

( ! ) Notice: Trying to get property 'id' of non-object in /var/www/clients/client97/web103/web/cache/volt/ on line 41
Call Stack
10.0001402072{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0003412632BS->run( ).../index.php:6
30.0020444048handle( ).../bootstrap.php:36
40.04161164632render( $controllerName = 'page', $actionName = 'photographer' ).../bootstrap.php:36
50.04171190376_engineRender( $engines = ['.volt' => class Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt { protected $_dependencyInjector = class BS { ... }; protected $_eventsManager = NULL; protected $_view = class Phalcon\Mvc\View { ... }; protected $_options = [...]; protected $_compiler = class Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt\Compiler { ... }; protected $_macros = NULL; public $config = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }], $viewPath = 'page/photographer', $silence = TRUE, $mustClean = TRUE, $cache = NULL ).../bootstrap.php:36
60.04181191616render( $templatePath = '/var/www/clients/client97/web103/web/app/views/frontend/page/photographer.volt', $params = ['currentEdition' => FALSE, 'page' => class PageLanguage { public $page = class Page { ... }; public $language = '3'; public $slug = 'photographers/{editionslug}/{slug}'; public $title = 'Photographer'; public $highlight = ''; public $text = ''; public $seo_title = ''; public $seo_description = ''; public $created = NULL; public $updated = NULL; protected $_dependencyInjector = class BS { ... }; protected $_modelsManager = class Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager { ... }; protected $_modelsMetaData = NULL; protected $_errorMessages = NULL; protected $_operationMade = 0; protected $_dirtyState = 0; protected $_transaction = NULL; protected $_uniqueKey = NULL; protected $_uniqueParams = NULL; protected $_uniqueTypes = NULL; protected $_skipped = NULL; protected $_related = [...]; protected $_snapshot = NULL; protected $_oldSnapshot = [...] }, 'photographer' => class Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row { public $photographer = class Photographer { ... }; public $photographerLanguage = class PhotographerLanguage { ... }; public $editionLanguage = class EditionLanguage { ... }; public $spaceLanguage = class SpaceLanguage { ... } }, 'menu' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/en/photographers/2018/manuel-vilarino'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }, 'menufooter1' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/en/photographers/2018/manuel-vilarino'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }, 'menufooter2' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/en/photographers/2018/manuel-vilarino'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }], $mustClean = TRUE ).../bootstrap.php:36
70.04271208616Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt->render( ).../bootstrap.php:36

This is a retrospective exhibition organised to celebrate the award of Spain’s National Photography Prize 2007, which features around a hundred pictures by the artist dating from 1981 through to the present day. It reflects all the more salient aspects of the author’s aesthetics, always defined by a poetic background and the demand for a contemplative approach.
On this journey, Vilariño takes us from his own personal approach to animals to landscapes, from still lifes to views related to the dimension of melancholy and the presence of death.

Curator: Fernando Castro Flórez

Manuel Vilarino