INDESTRUCTIBLE. A look at the generation of the future of Africa

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Indestructibles Foto

Africa is the continent of the future. The youngest region in the world with an average age of nineteen is also a land of contrasts.

The advances in education and health and the emergence of renewables and feminism have already begun to transform the current situation in Africa. But everyday thousands of children suffer the havoc wreaked by war, poverty and climate change.

The coming decade will see even more an increase in the population with its sights set on the future, in order to transform the reality of the continent.

The photographer Alfons Rodríguez and the journalist Xavier Aldekoa focus on the advances and the challenges of the future generation in Africa. These stories are not about winners, even though the protagonists sometimes triumph; neither are they losers, even though some of the stories may end badly.

Exhibition sponsored and produced by: Àrea d’Educació, Esports i Joventut de la Diputació de Barcelona. 

Alfons Rodriguez I Xavier Aldecoa
Alfons Rodríguez / Xavier Aldekoa