Geometric walks

( ! ) Notice: Trying to get property 'edition' of non-object in /var/www/clients/client97/web103/web/cache/volt/ on line 41
Call Stack
10.0001402088{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0003412648BS->run( ).../index.php:6
30.0013443984handle( ).../bootstrap.php:36
40.03411163816render( $controllerName = 'page', $actionName = 'photographer' ).../bootstrap.php:36
50.03431189560_engineRender( $engines = ['.volt' => class Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt { protected $_dependencyInjector = class BS { ... }; protected $_eventsManager = NULL; protected $_view = class Phalcon\Mvc\View { ... }; protected $_options = [...]; protected $_compiler = class Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt\Compiler { ... }; protected $_macros = NULL; public $config = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }], $viewPath = 'page/photographer', $silence = TRUE, $mustClean = TRUE, $cache = NULL ).../bootstrap.php:36
60.03441190800render( $templatePath = '/var/www/clients/client97/web103/web/app/views/frontend/page/photographer.volt', $params = ['currentEdition' => FALSE, 'page' => class PageLanguage { public $page = class Page { ... }; public $language = '3'; public $slug = 'photographers/{editionslug}/{slug}'; public $title = 'Photographer'; public $highlight = ''; public $text = ''; public $seo_title = ''; public $seo_description = ''; public $created = NULL; public $updated = NULL; protected $_dependencyInjector = class BS { ... }; protected $_modelsManager = class Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager { ... }; protected $_modelsMetaData = NULL; protected $_errorMessages = NULL; protected $_operationMade = 0; protected $_dirtyState = 0; protected $_transaction = NULL; protected $_uniqueKey = NULL; protected $_uniqueParams = NULL; protected $_uniqueTypes = NULL; protected $_skipped = NULL; protected $_related = [...]; protected $_snapshot = NULL; protected $_oldSnapshot = [...] }, 'photographer' => class Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row { public $photographer = class Photographer { ... }; public $photographerLanguage = class PhotographerLanguage { ... }; public $editionLanguage = class EditionLanguage { ... }; public $spaceLanguage = class SpaceLanguage { ... } }, 'menu' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/en/photographers/2020/andres-canal'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }, 'menufooter1' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/en/photographers/2020/andres-canal'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }, 'menufooter2' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/en/photographers/2020/andres-canal'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }], $mustClean = TRUE ).../bootstrap.php:36
70.03561207528Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt->render( ).../bootstrap.php:36

( ! ) Notice: Trying to get property 'id' of non-object in /var/www/clients/client97/web103/web/cache/volt/ on line 41
Call Stack
10.0001402088{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0003412648BS->run( ).../index.php:6
30.0013443984handle( ).../bootstrap.php:36
40.03411163816render( $controllerName = 'page', $actionName = 'photographer' ).../bootstrap.php:36
50.03431189560_engineRender( $engines = ['.volt' => class Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt { protected $_dependencyInjector = class BS { ... }; protected $_eventsManager = NULL; protected $_view = class Phalcon\Mvc\View { ... }; protected $_options = [...]; protected $_compiler = class Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt\Compiler { ... }; protected $_macros = NULL; public $config = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }], $viewPath = 'page/photographer', $silence = TRUE, $mustClean = TRUE, $cache = NULL ).../bootstrap.php:36
60.03441190800render( $templatePath = '/var/www/clients/client97/web103/web/app/views/frontend/page/photographer.volt', $params = ['currentEdition' => FALSE, 'page' => class PageLanguage { public $page = class Page { ... }; public $language = '3'; public $slug = 'photographers/{editionslug}/{slug}'; public $title = 'Photographer'; public $highlight = ''; public $text = ''; public $seo_title = ''; public $seo_description = ''; public $created = NULL; public $updated = NULL; protected $_dependencyInjector = class BS { ... }; protected $_modelsManager = class Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager { ... }; protected $_modelsMetaData = NULL; protected $_errorMessages = NULL; protected $_operationMade = 0; protected $_dirtyState = 0; protected $_transaction = NULL; protected $_uniqueKey = NULL; protected $_uniqueParams = NULL; protected $_uniqueTypes = NULL; protected $_skipped = NULL; protected $_related = [...]; protected $_snapshot = NULL; protected $_oldSnapshot = [...] }, 'photographer' => class Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row { public $photographer = class Photographer { ... }; public $photographerLanguage = class PhotographerLanguage { ... }; public $editionLanguage = class EditionLanguage { ... }; public $spaceLanguage = class SpaceLanguage { ... } }, 'menu' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/en/photographers/2020/andres-canal'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }, 'menufooter1' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/en/photographers/2020/andres-canal'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }, 'menufooter2' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/en/photographers/2020/andres-canal'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }], $mustClean = TRUE ).../bootstrap.php:36
70.03561207528Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt->render( ).../bootstrap.php:36
Andres Canal Foto

His many years of experience as a graphic designer can be clearly appreciated in his photographs, not only in the construction of the images and the way in which the lines are described, but also in his search for a balance between light and dark. Furthermore, one notes the natural imposition of the human presence, without which his images would again resemble the graphic notes he worked with beforehand.

Andres Canal
Andrés Cañal