This is a non-profit entity devoted to recording the experiences of people living in the County of Anoia in audiovisual format. The archive currently consists of almost 300 interviews.
Based on these oral testimonies, we have been able to carry out different documentary and research work. For example, to discover what the schools of the Ateneu Igualadí were like before the Civil War in La escuela de mi vida (“The School of My Life”); the arrival of immigrant workers in Vilanova del Camí in the 1950s and 60s in Tú también haces historia (“You Too Make History”);
the territorial and social interrelations in Calaf and its crown of 8 surrounding villages in the “Memoral” project, and local stories from the centre and outskirts of Montbui, among others.
Since 2014, we have been working on the Bajo la Piel del REC (“Under the Skin of the REC”) project in order to make the stones of this Industrial district of Igualada speak and document its transformation. The photographs on exhibition here are the protagonists of this story.