( ! ) Notice: Trying to get property 'edition' of non-object in /var/www/clients/client97/web103/web/cache/volt/ on line 41
Call Stack
10.0001402088{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0003412648BS->run( ).../index.php:6
30.0018443984handle( ).../bootstrap.php:36
40.03971164544render( $controllerName = 'page', $actionName = 'photographer' ).../bootstrap.php:36
50.03981190288_engineRender( $engines = ['.volt' => class Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt { protected $_dependencyInjector = class BS { ... }; protected $_eventsManager = NULL; protected $_view = class Phalcon\Mvc\View { ... }; protected $_options = [...]; protected $_compiler = class Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt\Compiler { ... }; protected $_macros = NULL; public $config = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }], $viewPath = 'page/photographer', $silence = TRUE, $mustClean = TRUE, $cache = NULL ).../bootstrap.php:36
60.04001191528render( $templatePath = '/var/www/clients/client97/web103/web/app/views/frontend/page/photographer.volt', $params = ['currentEdition' => FALSE, 'page' => class PageLanguage { public $page = class Page { ... }; public $language = '3'; public $slug = 'photographers/{editionslug}/{slug}'; public $title = 'Photographer'; public $highlight = ''; public $text = ''; public $seo_title = ''; public $seo_description = ''; public $created = NULL; public $updated = NULL; protected $_dependencyInjector = class BS { ... }; protected $_modelsManager = class Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager { ... }; protected $_modelsMetaData = NULL; protected $_errorMessages = NULL; protected $_operationMade = 0; protected $_dirtyState = 0; protected $_transaction = NULL; protected $_uniqueKey = NULL; protected $_uniqueParams = NULL; protected $_uniqueTypes = NULL; protected $_skipped = NULL; protected $_related = [...]; protected $_snapshot = NULL; protected $_oldSnapshot = [...] }, 'photographer' => class Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row { public $photographer = class Photographer { ... }; public $photographerLanguage = class PhotographerLanguage { ... }; public $editionLanguage = class EditionLanguage { ... }; public $spaceLanguage = class SpaceLanguage { ... } }, 'menu' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/en/photographers/2020/manuel-ibanez'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }, 'menufooter1' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/en/photographers/2020/manuel-ibanez'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }, 'menufooter2' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/en/photographers/2020/manuel-ibanez'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }], $mustClean = TRUE ).../bootstrap.php:36
70.04171208256Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt->render( ).../bootstrap.php:36

( ! ) Notice: Trying to get property 'id' of non-object in /var/www/clients/client97/web103/web/cache/volt/ on line 41
Call Stack
10.0001402088{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0003412648BS->run( ).../index.php:6
30.0018443984handle( ).../bootstrap.php:36
40.03971164544render( $controllerName = 'page', $actionName = 'photographer' ).../bootstrap.php:36
50.03981190288_engineRender( $engines = ['.volt' => class Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt { protected $_dependencyInjector = class BS { ... }; protected $_eventsManager = NULL; protected $_view = class Phalcon\Mvc\View { ... }; protected $_options = [...]; protected $_compiler = class Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt\Compiler { ... }; protected $_macros = NULL; public $config = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }], $viewPath = 'page/photographer', $silence = TRUE, $mustClean = TRUE, $cache = NULL ).../bootstrap.php:36
60.04001191528render( $templatePath = '/var/www/clients/client97/web103/web/app/views/frontend/page/photographer.volt', $params = ['currentEdition' => FALSE, 'page' => class PageLanguage { public $page = class Page { ... }; public $language = '3'; public $slug = 'photographers/{editionslug}/{slug}'; public $title = 'Photographer'; public $highlight = ''; public $text = ''; public $seo_title = ''; public $seo_description = ''; public $created = NULL; public $updated = NULL; protected $_dependencyInjector = class BS { ... }; protected $_modelsManager = class Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager { ... }; protected $_modelsMetaData = NULL; protected $_errorMessages = NULL; protected $_operationMade = 0; protected $_dirtyState = 0; protected $_transaction = NULL; protected $_uniqueKey = NULL; protected $_uniqueParams = NULL; protected $_uniqueTypes = NULL; protected $_skipped = NULL; protected $_related = [...]; protected $_snapshot = NULL; protected $_oldSnapshot = [...] }, 'photographer' => class Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row { public $photographer = class Photographer { ... }; public $photographerLanguage = class PhotographerLanguage { ... }; public $editionLanguage = class EditionLanguage { ... }; public $spaceLanguage = class SpaceLanguage { ... } }, 'menu' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/en/photographers/2020/manuel-ibanez'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }, 'menufooter1' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/en/photographers/2020/manuel-ibanez'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }, 'menufooter2' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/en/photographers/2020/manuel-ibanez'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }], $mustClean = TRUE ).../bootstrap.php:36
70.04171208256Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt->render( ).../bootstrap.php:36
Manuel Ibanez Foto

Islantilla is a coastal residential area near the border between Huelva and Portugal. For two weeks during recent summers, I have focused my attention on a narrow strip of beach, where rows of small houses have taken the place of former dunes and pine forests.

This is a location that has hardly any of the services that today we regard as essential in our cities and where the greatest agglomeration of people is almost always to be found in the local supermarket. Apparently, nothing interesting ever happens here, nothing that might catch the eye.

And yet, if we really pay attention, a world rich in detail takes shape, and during a brief space of time helps define the way of life in this small place. My aim with this work is to provide food for thought about everyday life, and to show how we adjust our behaviour by the small routines we invent for ourselves in places far from where we usually live for the rest of the year, and by establishing new relationships with these surroundings and our occasional neighbours.

Manuel Ibanez
Manuel Ibáñez