Facing the City

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Call Stack
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20.0002413016BS->run( ).../index.php:6
30.0010444352handle( ).../bootstrap.php:36
40.03481165760render( $controllerName = 'page', $actionName = 'photographer' ).../bootstrap.php:36
50.03501191504_engineRender( $engines = ['.volt' => class Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt { protected $_dependencyInjector = class BS { ... }; protected $_eventsManager = NULL; protected $_view = class Phalcon\Mvc\View { ... }; protected $_options = [...]; protected $_compiler = class Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt\Compiler { ... }; protected $_macros = NULL; public $config = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }], $viewPath = 'page/photographer', $silence = TRUE, $mustClean = TRUE, $cache = NULL ).../bootstrap.php:36
60.03511192744render( $templatePath = '/var/www/clients/client97/web103/web/app/views/frontend/page/photographer.volt', $params = ['currentEdition' => FALSE, 'page' => class PageLanguage { public $page = class Page { ... }; public $language = '3'; public $slug = 'photographers/{editionslug}/{slug}'; public $title = 'Photographer'; public $highlight = ''; public $text = ''; public $seo_title = ''; public $seo_description = ''; public $created = NULL; public $updated = NULL; protected $_dependencyInjector = class BS { ... }; protected $_modelsManager = class Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager { ... }; protected $_modelsMetaData = NULL; protected $_errorMessages = NULL; protected $_operationMade = 0; protected $_dirtyState = 0; protected $_transaction = NULL; protected $_uniqueKey = NULL; protected $_uniqueParams = NULL; protected $_uniqueTypes = NULL; protected $_skipped = NULL; protected $_related = [...]; protected $_snapshot = NULL; protected $_oldSnapshot = [...] }, 'photographer' => class Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row { public $photographer = class Photographer { ... }; public $photographerLanguage = class PhotographerLanguage { ... }; public $editionLanguage = class EditionLanguage { ... }; public $spaceLanguage = class SpaceLanguage { ... } }, 'menu' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/en/photographers/2021/institut-destudis-fotografics-de-catalunya'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }, 'menufooter1' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/en/photographers/2021/institut-destudis-fotografics-de-catalunya'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }, 'menufooter2' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/en/photographers/2021/institut-destudis-fotografics-de-catalunya'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }], $mustClean = TRUE ).../bootstrap.php:36
70.03661209456Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt->render( ).../bootstrap.php:36

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Call Stack
10.0000402456{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0002413016BS->run( ).../index.php:6
30.0010444352handle( ).../bootstrap.php:36
40.03481165760render( $controllerName = 'page', $actionName = 'photographer' ).../bootstrap.php:36
50.03501191504_engineRender( $engines = ['.volt' => class Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt { protected $_dependencyInjector = class BS { ... }; protected $_eventsManager = NULL; protected $_view = class Phalcon\Mvc\View { ... }; protected $_options = [...]; protected $_compiler = class Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt\Compiler { ... }; protected $_macros = NULL; public $config = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }], $viewPath = 'page/photographer', $silence = TRUE, $mustClean = TRUE, $cache = NULL ).../bootstrap.php:36
60.03511192744render( $templatePath = '/var/www/clients/client97/web103/web/app/views/frontend/page/photographer.volt', $params = ['currentEdition' => FALSE, 'page' => class PageLanguage { public $page = class Page { ... }; public $language = '3'; public $slug = 'photographers/{editionslug}/{slug}'; public $title = 'Photographer'; public $highlight = ''; public $text = ''; public $seo_title = ''; public $seo_description = ''; public $created = NULL; public $updated = NULL; protected $_dependencyInjector = class BS { ... }; protected $_modelsManager = class Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager { ... }; protected $_modelsMetaData = NULL; protected $_errorMessages = NULL; protected $_operationMade = 0; protected $_dirtyState = 0; protected $_transaction = NULL; protected $_uniqueKey = NULL; protected $_uniqueParams = NULL; protected $_uniqueTypes = NULL; protected $_skipped = NULL; protected $_related = [...]; protected $_snapshot = NULL; protected $_oldSnapshot = [...] }, 'photographer' => class Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row { public $photographer = class Photographer { ... }; public $photographerLanguage = class PhotographerLanguage { ... }; public $editionLanguage = class EditionLanguage { ... }; public $spaceLanguage = class SpaceLanguage { ... } }, 'menu' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/en/photographers/2021/institut-destudis-fotografics-de-catalunya'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }, 'menufooter1' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/en/photographers/2021/institut-destudis-fotografics-de-catalunya'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }, 'menufooter2' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/en/photographers/2021/institut-destudis-fotografics-de-catalunya'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }], $mustClean = TRUE ).../bootstrap.php:36
70.03661209456Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt->render( ).../bootstrap.php:36

Producing a portrait is hard, yet portraying a city requires an added effort.

This is not because of its size nor its geographical boundaries, but because it is difficult to make out the face, the gesture that identifies it. Like people, a city has many faces, one has to discover where they are concealed.

Facing the City introduces the projects conducted in the specialist course, The city, a possible portrait, taught at the IEFC in 2020:

  1. Ennui, by Fenita Villaveces.
  2. Ciutadelles a les vinyes (Citadels in the Vineyards), by Christopher Hewitson.
  3. Outlaws, by Juan Pablo Roldán.
  4. Traces, de María Doce.
  5. Barcelona adormida (Slumbering Barcelona), by Guillermo Cardozo.
  6. Un barri (A neighbourhood), by Maribel Mata.


Curator: Josep Maria de Llobet, course lecturer.

Institut d’Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya