L'ahir i l'avui del barri gòtic. Interpretació fotogràfica de l'espai
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A tour is proposed through images of the Barri Gòtic based on the idea that photography is the art of the gaze and can thus transform alterand reinterpret space.

The exhibition we present is a photographic project by the members of the Photographic Association of Catalonia that was part of the celebration of its centenary in 2023. 

A tour is proposed through 20 historical images of the l’Ahir del Barri Gòtic, 15 of which were developed in the analog laboratory of the Photographic Association of Catalonia and are part of its heritage collection. Today's vision of the l’Avui del Barri Gòtic consists of 40 printed photos selected from the contributions of the entity's current members. 

Based on the idea that photography is the art of the gaze and can thus transform, alterand reinterpret space, the Photographic Association of Catalonia invites you to participate in this game of perspectives.

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Agrupació Fotogràfica de Catalunya