FREE Història d’un canvi de gènere.
5Adoberia Bella
Hakan Elofsson Hatte Stiwenius Foto Cataleg

Reveal the experience of living as a woman in a patriarchal society fixated on the binary system, with no room for nuances or transgression.

FREE History of a change of gender, this exhibition is about love and hate. It’s a photo reportage on gender change in Sweden in 1983 (pictures by Hatte Stiwenius) and in 2023 (pictures by Håkan Elofsson).

In 1983, Ehrenberg (a well-known Swedish journalist, debater, and author) revealed his experience of living as a woman – Jenny – in a patriarchal society fixated on the binary system, with no room for nuances or transgression. The response from the mainstream media was massive. With such pressure and misunderstanding, Jenny disappeared from the public eye and went back to Johan, dressing up as a man. 

Until 2023. 

Johan, at age 66, becomes Johan Jenny, fully embracing a trans identity and once again publishing point-of-view journalism that is, again, shaking Swedish debate to its core.

Hakan Elofsson Hatte Stiwenius Foto Autors
Håkan Elofsson i Hatte Stiwenius