In a still life, the photographer decides what elements he will photograph, their harmony and composition, decides the light and volume he wants to give to the scene, works with backgrounds and textures...
The still life has always served as a tool to learn first to draw and paint and for a few years to know many of the foundations of photography.
In a still life, the photographer decides what elements he will photograph, their harmony and composition, decides the light and volume he wants to give to the scene, works with backgrounds and textures... In short, the photographer creates and decides the image that will work.
I have always sought that my images have an important visual power (attempt to attract the attention of those who look at them), that they catch, either for the subject, for the color, for its edition... and in the case of my still lifes I also incorporate a surrealist variant or a visual game that makes it much easier to capture the attention of the viewer.
I hope you enjoy observing them at least the same as I have enjoyed creating them.