Logo Afotmir 8x8 Agrupacio De Montcada

The Agrupación Fotográfica de Montcada i Reixac (the Montcada i Reixac Photography Group or AFOTMIR) was set up on 2nd November 1987, in view of the need to bring together the work and efforts of photographers in the town. Some of them had a long career behind them while others were beginners.

The purposes AFOTMIR set itself from the start were the promotion, dissemination, teaching and conservation of photography. The strong point of AFOTMIR today is training, based on the exchange of experience and knowledge; i.e. everybody learns from everybody else. To this end, introductory, advanced and specialisation courses are organised.

Another of the group's goals is to awaken the interest of individuals and bodies in closer relations, to forge cooperation in order to improve their photographic level and foster culture.

Agrupació Fotogràfica de Montcada i Reixac