( ! ) Notice: Trying to get property 'edition' of non-object in /var/www/clients/client97/web103/web/cache/volt/ on line 41
Call Stack
10.0001402072{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0006412632BS->run( ).../index.php:6
30.0018442488handle( ).../bootstrap.php:36
40.03421163104render( $controllerName = 'page', $actionName = 'photographer' ).../bootstrap.php:36
50.03431188848_engineRender( $engines = ['.volt' => class Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt { protected $_dependencyInjector = class BS { ... }; protected $_eventsManager = NULL; protected $_view = class Phalcon\Mvc\View { ... }; protected $_options = [...]; protected $_compiler = class Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt\Compiler { ... }; protected $_macros = NULL; public $config = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }], $viewPath = 'page/photographer', $silence = TRUE, $mustClean = TRUE, $cache = NULL ).../bootstrap.php:36
60.03441190088render( $templatePath = '/var/www/clients/client97/web103/web/app/views/frontend/page/photographer.volt', $params = ['currentEdition' => FALSE, 'page' => class PageLanguage { public $page = class Page { ... }; public $language = '1'; public $slug = 'fotografos/{editionslug}/{slug}'; public $title = 'Fotógrafo'; public $highlight = ''; public $text = ''; public $seo_title = ''; public $seo_description = ''; public $created = NULL; public $updated = NULL; protected $_dependencyInjector = class BS { ... }; protected $_modelsManager = class Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager { ... }; protected $_modelsMetaData = NULL; protected $_errorMessages = NULL; protected $_operationMade = 0; protected $_dirtyState = 0; protected $_transaction = NULL; protected $_uniqueKey = NULL; protected $_uniqueParams = NULL; protected $_uniqueTypes = NULL; protected $_skipped = NULL; protected $_related = [...]; protected $_snapshot = NULL; protected $_oldSnapshot = [...] }, 'photographer' => class Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row { public $photographer = class Photographer { ... }; public $photographerLanguage = class PhotographerLanguage { ... }; public $editionLanguage = class EditionLanguage { ... }; public $spaceLanguage = class SpaceLanguage { ... } }, 'menu' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/es/fotografos/fineart-2019/pep-gol'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }, 'menufooter1' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/es/fotografos/fineart-2019/pep-gol'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }, 'menufooter2' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/es/fotografos/fineart-2019/pep-gol'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }], $mustClean = TRUE ).../bootstrap.php:36
70.03551206840Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt->render( ).../bootstrap.php:36

( ! ) Notice: Trying to get property 'id' of non-object in /var/www/clients/client97/web103/web/cache/volt/ on line 41
Call Stack
10.0001402072{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0006412632BS->run( ).../index.php:6
30.0018442488handle( ).../bootstrap.php:36
40.03421163104render( $controllerName = 'page', $actionName = 'photographer' ).../bootstrap.php:36
50.03431188848_engineRender( $engines = ['.volt' => class Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt { protected $_dependencyInjector = class BS { ... }; protected $_eventsManager = NULL; protected $_view = class Phalcon\Mvc\View { ... }; protected $_options = [...]; protected $_compiler = class Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt\Compiler { ... }; protected $_macros = NULL; public $config = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }], $viewPath = 'page/photographer', $silence = TRUE, $mustClean = TRUE, $cache = NULL ).../bootstrap.php:36
60.03441190088render( $templatePath = '/var/www/clients/client97/web103/web/app/views/frontend/page/photographer.volt', $params = ['currentEdition' => FALSE, 'page' => class PageLanguage { public $page = class Page { ... }; public $language = '1'; public $slug = 'fotografos/{editionslug}/{slug}'; public $title = 'Fotógrafo'; public $highlight = ''; public $text = ''; public $seo_title = ''; public $seo_description = ''; public $created = NULL; public $updated = NULL; protected $_dependencyInjector = class BS { ... }; protected $_modelsManager = class Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager { ... }; protected $_modelsMetaData = NULL; protected $_errorMessages = NULL; protected $_operationMade = 0; protected $_dirtyState = 0; protected $_transaction = NULL; protected $_uniqueKey = NULL; protected $_uniqueParams = NULL; protected $_uniqueTypes = NULL; protected $_skipped = NULL; protected $_related = [...]; protected $_snapshot = NULL; protected $_oldSnapshot = [...] }, 'photographer' => class Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row { public $photographer = class Photographer { ... }; public $photographerLanguage = class PhotographerLanguage { ... }; public $editionLanguage = class EditionLanguage { ... }; public $spaceLanguage = class SpaceLanguage { ... } }, 'menu' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/es/fotografos/fineart-2019/pep-gol'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }, 'menufooter1' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/es/fotografos/fineart-2019/pep-gol'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }, 'menufooter2' => class Phalcon\Config { public $current = '/es/fotografos/fineart-2019/pep-gol'; public $items = class Phalcon\Config { ... } }], $mustClean = TRUE ).../bootstrap.php:36
70.03551206840Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt->render( ).../bootstrap.php:36
Pep Gol Espejos

Un día te levantas, te miras al espejo y no te reconoces.

¿Qué ves?
¿Ves lo que quieres ver?
¿Ves lo que no quieres ver?
¿No ves lo que quieres ver?
¿No ves lo que no quieres ver?
El espejo, terco, te devuelve la imagen de un desconocido.

Jugando con el autorretrato, el espejo de los fotógrafos y el juego de los reflejos, presento este viaje de exploración interior.

Pep Gol
Pep Gol