According to its very nature, a photograph is the seizing of a fleeting moment. All the work by Chema Madoz has this clear relationship with what is ephemeral.
The specific moment caught does not need to exist either before or after it has been photographed. The idea’s materiality is not the picture’s end purpose, but instead its focus; its portrayal; as with the classical snapshot: its precise moment.
An analysis of the random map of signals emitted by things from their place in the world, Madoz individualises and rearranges, confronts and manipulates, until he manages to show a new order, a hidden side of meaning, a new symbolic truth whose impact highlights the confusion of logic.
His pictures are somewhat akin to a minimalist poem and the contrast of poetic images that trigger a metaphorical explosion. His use of black and white also adds a melancholic distancing.
Borja Casani
Exhibition produced by General Subdirectorate of State Museums, Culture and Sport Ministry