Colectivo Fort is the name of a group of professional photographers that since 2015 have been holding exhibitions on the “casteller” culture, involving the famous Catalan human towers. This is a collective of photographers with a love of towers in which each one conveys their own individual, artistic and even poetic view of the details and moments in the three differentiated topics, the outcome of the three exhibitions they have organised thus far.
The first of these exhibitions was held in October 2015, under the slogan “Mujeres Castelleras” (Casteller Women), with the aim being to highlight the role women play in “casteller” culture. The second exhibition the Colectivo Fort organised opened in October 2016 under the name “Fort!”, and it expressed the effort, the suffering, the falls and the most extreme emotions experienced in these festivities. Finally, the third and last exhibition, which opened in October 2017, under the name “Xiquets de Valls. Quilòmetre 0”.
Jonatan Tarafa Cervera, David Oliete Casanova, Laia Solanellas, Marc Serarols , Ariadna Brunet Pinós, Antoni Coll Lázaro, Laia Díaz Segura, Rodrigo Sicilia Gómez, Laura Rodríguez Triguero, Josep Pont i Roca, Mireia Comas Franc, Jean Segovia Menor, Pere Toda Serra, Gemma Soldevila, Emilio Barruz, Links Griñó.