Alisa Sibirskaya Foto

My photographs are a diary. I don’t talk about mermaids, centaurs or domestic servants from the Dutch golden age, instead I talk about myself. Everything that appears in the images is, for me, something very specific.

Nonetheless, art is surprising because it is a universal code that can be deciphered in myriad different ways. I can’t expect people to understand my photography in the same way as I do or as I feel it; as the individual is free to have their own view: they will find associations specifically linked to their own personal "baggage" (cultural, professional, social, emotional...). Someone might not feel anything? Of course. And that’s fine. I have no intention of "impacting" on everyone. I am not trying to convey something to someone. In turn, I am of course pleased when people react and share their thoughts with me. That’s precious. 

Alisa Sibirskaya
Alisa Sibirskaya